WE’RE OPEN LATE! Thursday, February 27 until 8PM

Behind every photograph is a story.

Now through September 20, powerful stories told through Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs are on display at The Durham Museum. These images can transport us back in time, make us experience strong emotions, remember and reflect. In a series of blog posts, we are calling “History Through Pulitzer,” we will feature some of these award-winning photos throughout the run of the exhibit, accompanied by a story from someone in our local community. Please enjoy the images and the stories told.


History Through Pulitzer: “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima”

by Eric Krelle “The most intriguing thing to me about the Iwo Jima flag raising photograph is that 75 years later it is literally everywhere. During the recent Super Bowl TV programing I counted three separate times that the flag raising photograph, video, or statue were shown. That’s three times in about 30 minutes on the biggest stage in America.… Continue Reading History Through Pulitzer: “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima”