The Little Newspaper You Never Knew About

This week I am featuring a gem I stumbled upon in our archival collection. It is a newspaper called The Star  and later The West Omaha Star  which ran from 1933-1940 and featured news of the Walnut Hill Neighborhood area. Jimmie McGaffin tells his story in the final editorial as he suspends his paper:

Jimmie McGaffin Newspaper

You may note that he says the paper was a 12 year old boy’s dream and I believe he was actually 12 when he printed his first edition! Which, I am pleased to say, we also have. These tiny papers are 3” x 4.5”!

The Star Newspaper
Inside Star newspaper The Star Newspaper The West Omaha Star newspaper
The Star newspaper spread

Below you will find a few more peeks in to the newspaper through the years. He thoroughly reports the cat news in the neighborhood.

Front page of The Star newspaper Center spread of The Star
Two front pages of The Star newspaper
West Omaha Star front page Inside spread of West Omaha Star newspaper

Thank you for reading and see you next time,