Online ExhibitS

— From The Durham Museum Photo Archive —
Brandeis Window Displays
Taking It To the Streets

Brandeis Window Displays (1913-1930)

“Window Shopping” at Brandies was a vital part of the downtown Omaha experience for many families. The windows drew much attention with lighted displays and, at times, “living models,” particularly during the Christmas season. We’ve gathered some of of our non-holiday favorites for this online exhibit from The Durham Museum Photo Archive.

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  • Brandeis Window Display
    If you shopped at an Omaha department store in the 20th century chances are you shopped at Brandeis. The Brandeis name was to Omaha what Bergdorf’s and Macy’s are to New York City. The purveyor of high fashion goods, a source of entertainment and spectacle and every new season bringing the public out to see the new window displays. The flagship store on 16th and Douglas Streets in downtown Omaha had 10 floors, restaurants, an auditorium, and the owner’s penthouse on the top floor. This image depicts a window display during the Brandeis fall opening in 1913.

The Durham Museum Photo Archive contains over 1 million images that document the fascinating history of Omaha from its early days as a young frontier town to a unique and sophisticated city.

Visit our online Photo Archive collection